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TitleIsaiah 33
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsParry, Donald W.
Book TitleThe Book of Isaiah: A New Translation (Preliminary Edition)
PublisherBook of Mormon Central
CitySpringville, UT

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A Woe against Sennacherib (33:1)


33 1Woe, O destroyer, but you have not been destroyed,
and traitor, with whom none has betrayed.

When you stop destroying,
you will be destroyed;

when you make an end of betraying,
you will be betrayed.


The Righteous Praise the Lord in Prayer (33:2–6)

God’s covenant people

2O  Lord, be gracious to us;
we have waited[1] for You.

Be their arm every morning,
[their][2] salvation in time of trouble.

3At the tumultous noise, peoples flee,
when You arise, nations scatter.


4And your spoil {O nations} is gathered as the caterpillar gathers;
one leaps upon it as the locusts leap.

God’s covenant people

5The LORD is exalted,
for He dwells on high;

He fills Zion with justice and righteousness.
6And He will be faithfulness in your times,

a treasure of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
The fear of the LORD, that is his treasure.


The Wicked Are Burned (33:7–14a)


7Behold the heroes cry outside;
the messengers of peace weep bitterly.

8Highways lie desolate,
the traveler ceases,

covenants are broken,
witnesses[3] are despised, there is respect for no one.

9The land mourns, grows weak;
Lebanon is ashamed, withers away.

Sharon is like a desert;
Bashan and Carmel are stripped bare.

The Lord

10“Now, I will arise,”


says the LORD.

The Lord

“Now I will be exalted,
now I will lift Myself.

11You conceive chaff,
you give birth to stubble;

your breath, as a fire, will consume you.
12And peoples will be burnings of lime;
like thorns cut down, they will be burned in the fire.

13Hear what I have done, you who are far off,
and know My might, you who are near.”


14The sinners in Zion are afraid;
trembling seizes the godless.”


The Righteous Will Dwell in Everlasting Burnings (Glory) with God (33:14b–17)


14Who among us will dwell with devouring fire?
Who among us will dwell with everlasting burnings?

15He who walks righteously
and speaks what is right,

he who rejects gain by extortion,
who shakes his hands from holding a bribe,

who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed
and shuts his eyes from seeing evil.

16He will dwell on the heights;
his place of defense will be fortresses of rocks.

His bread will be given;
his water will be sure.

17Your eyes will see the King in His beauty;
they will see a land that is far off.


The Glorious Conditions of Zion (33:18–24)


18Your heart will meditate on the terror:

Unnamed individual

“Where is the one who counts {the taxes}?
Where is he who weighs {the tribute}?
Where is he who counts the towers?”


19You will not see a fierce people,
people of unintelligible speech,

which you cannot comprehend,
a strange tongue, which you cannot understand.

20Behold Zion,
the town of our appointed festivals;

your eyes will see Jerusalem, a peaceful habitation,
a tent not moved,

its stakes not pulled up forever,
and its cords never broken.

21For there the LORD in majesty will be for us,
a place of rivers, wide streams;

no oared ship will travel it,
nor mighty ship will pass on it.

22For the LORD is our judge,
the LORD is our lawgiver,

the LORD is our king;
He will save us.

23Your ropes have come loose; they cannot hold the base of their mast,
nor keep the sail spread out.

Then the abundant spoil was divided;
the lame have taken the plunder.

24And no resident will say,

Unnamed individual

“I am sick.”


The people who dwell there are forgiven of iniquity.

[1] The Hebrew verb qwh (“waited”) can also be rendered “hoped.”

[2] From JST.

[3] DSS Isaiah reads “witnesses” (Hebrew ‘adim) versus MT’s reading of “cities” (Hebrew ‘arim)—a case of graphically similar words.


Scripture Reference

Isaiah 33:1