Abinadi: The Prophet and Martyr |
(4,608) |
Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem |
(4,601) |
“I Will Contend with Them That Contendeth with Thee”: The Divine Warrior in Jacob’s Speech of 2 Nephi 6–10 |
(4,595) |
Overview of Benjamin's Speech |
(4,594) |
Alma 30-31 |
(4,588) |
Nephite Cycles: Years 1–49 of the Reign of the Judges (90–40 B.C.) |
(4,582) |
Liahona |
(4,575) |
"Thou Knowest That I Believe": Invoking The Spirit of the Lord as Council Witness in 1 Nephi 11 |
(4,573) |
The Holy Order of God |
(4,566) |
“And Behold, They Had Fallen to the Earth”: An Examination of Proskynesis in the Book of Mormon |
(4,554) |
The Sword of Laban as a Symbol of Divine Authority and Kingship |
(4,544) |
Cholula, Puebla, Mexico |
(4,531) |
Beauty on the Mountains: Inspiration from the Book of Mormon for LDS Writers |
(4,528) |
Mormon's Philosophy of History: Helaman 12 in the Perspective of Mormon's Editing Procedure |
(4,520) |
What’s in a Name? Irreantum |
(4,510) |
Book of Mormon Minimalists and the NHM Inscriptions: A Response to Dan Vogel |
(4,500) |
"O Ye Fair Ones" - Revisited |
(4,496) |
"Idle and Slothful Strange Stories": Book of Mormon Origins and the Historical Record |
(4,483) |
Lehi's Trail and Nahom Revisited |
(4,483) |
50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 18–29 |
(4,470) |
Moroni entierra las planchas |
(4,462) |
Joseph's Environment and the Book of Mormon |
(4,458) |
Altar with NHM Inscription Enhanced (Bar’an Temple, Marib, Yemen) |
(4,457) |
Chiasmus in Mosiah 3:18–19 |
(4,453) |
Seer Stones, Salamanders, and Early Mormon “Folk Magic” in the Light of Folklore Studies and Bible Scholarship |
(4,453) |
Another Note on the Three Days of Darkness |
(4,450) |
Alma 36-38 |
(4,450) |
"The Great and Terrible Judgments of the Lord": Destruction and Disaster in 3 Nephi and the Geology of Mesoamerica |
(4,443) |
Understanding Christian Baptism through the Book of Mormon |
(4,435) |
Dating the Death of Jesus Christ |
(4,423) |
Contents of the Plates of Brass |
(4,417) |
The Twelve: A Light unto This People |
(4,416) |
Alma 13-16 |
(4,414) |
Angels as Guardians of Hidden Books |
(4,407) |
The Life of Nephi, The Son of Lehi |
(4,405) |
Gazelem the Jaredite |
(4,405) |
Nephi’s Use of Inverted Parallels |
(4,397) |
The Trial of Abinadi |
(4,395) |
Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon |
(4,391) |
Geology of the Book of Mormon |
(4,382) |
‘The Testimony of Men’: William E. McLellin and the Book of Mormon Witnesses |
(4,379) |
Alma as High Priest: Years 9–19 of the Reign of the Judges |
(4,375) |
Gazelem, a Stone |
(4,371) |
The Destruction of Ammonihah and the Law of Apostate Cities |
(4,369) |
The Prophecies and Promises of 1 Nephi 13:30–31 That Invalidate the Heartland Theory for New World Book of Mormon Geography |
(4,367) |
50 Questions of Alma 5: Questions 30–40 |
(4,366) |
Book of Mormon Chronology Chart |
(4,357) |
“With Power and Authority of God”: Principles of Missionary Success |
(4,356) |
Life Spans of Lehi's Lineage |
(4,353) |
Toward Emotional Maturity: Insights from the Book of Mormon |
(4,351) |