Journey of Faith: From Jerusalem to the Promised Land |
(15) |
Passover—Was It Symbolic of His Coming? |
(12) |
Names of Christ in the Book of Mormon |
(9) |
The Apocalypse of Adam |
(7) |
Come Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 1) |
(6) |
The Psalms: Praises to the Lord Jesus Christ |
(6) |
King Benjamin’s Manual of Discipleship |
(5) |
Early Christians in Disarray: Contemporary LDS Perspectives on the Christian Apostasy |
(5) |
The Honey and the Smoke: Achilles and Atē in the Iliad |
(5) |
A Comparison of Lehi's Dream and Nephi's Vision |
(5) |
Some Personal Reflections |
(5) |
Mars and Anna Perenna: March Gods and the Etruscan New Year in Archaic Rome |
(5) |
The Truth, The Way, The Life: An Elementary Treatise on Theology |
(5) |
Key Doctrinal Chapters: 1 Nephi–Omni |
(5) |
Love in the Book of Mormon |
(5) |
Primera visión en Hoja |
(5) |
Chapter 19: Mosiah 4–8 |
(5) |
Comparing Sherem, Nehor, and Korihor |
(5) |
“Judge Not” and Judging |
(5) |
Appendix: Minutes of Brigham Young’s Remarks at the Morning Meeting, August 8, 1844 |
(5) |
Emma Smith’s 1841 Hymnbook |
(5) |
Polygamy - Brigham Young and Wives |
(5) |
Joseph's Mission to Canada/"Who Will Listen?" |
(5) |
How Long Did It Take to Translate the Book of Mormon? |
(5) |
Nephi's Invitation |
(5) |
Father is a Man: The Remarkable Mention of the name Abish in Alma 19:16 and Its Narrative Context |
(5) |
Gossamer Thin: 2 Nephi’s “Flaxen Cord” and the Anti- Masonic Thesis |
(5) |
The Jaredites - A Case Study in Following the Brethren |
(5) |
Blessing God After Eating One's Fill |
(5) |
KnoWhy #417 - Were Joseph Smith’s Translation Instruments Like the Israelite Urim and Thummim? (Alma 37:24) |
(5) |
The Power of the Word |
(4) |
Insights, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2009) |
(4) |
An Apologist for the Critics: Brent Lee Metcalfe’s Assumptions and Methodologies |
(4) |
The Historical Record, Vol. 7, Nos. 4–6 (June 1888) |
(4) |
Blessings Come after Tribulations - Insight Into D&C 58 |
(4) |
The Earliest Accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision |
(4) |
Did Lehi Land in Chile? |
(4) |
Isaiah 59 |
(4) |
Letter V |
(4) |
Three Biblical Archetypes Compared to Nephi's Construction of the Ship |
(4) |
Exterior Views of the John Johnson Home |
(4) |
Welding Another Link in Wonder’s Chain: The Task of Latter-day Saint Intellectuals in the Church’s Third Century |
(4) |
The FARMS Review 16/1 (2004) |
(4) |
Light or Dark, Freedom or Bondage: Enhancing Book of Mormon Themes through Contrasts |
(4) |
“Go to the Ohio” - Insight Into D&C 38 |
(4) |
A CES Letter Reply: Faithful Answers For Those Who Doubt |
(4) |
The Designations Jesus Gives Himself in 3 Nephi |
(4) |
Commentary on Joseph Smith—Matthew |
(4) |
The Need for a Unifying Interpretation |
(4) |
The Earliest Accounts of the Restoration of the Priesthood |
(4) |
Job 38-40 |
(4) |
“By the Gift and Power of God” |
(4) |
A Discussion of Lectures 3 and 4: The Imperative and Unchanging Nature of God |
(4) |
Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester 1 |
(4) |
Jacob — The Prophet of Social Justice |
(4) |
Documents of the Priesthood Restoration |
(4) |
Countering Korihor’s Philosophy |
(4) |
A Study in Hebrew and Indian Languages |
(4) |
Old Testament Minute: Numbers |
(4) |
Discovering Mormon and Moroni |
(4) |
KnoWhy #338 - How Does the Gospel Bring Us Unto Christ? (3 Nephi 27:20) |
(4) |
The Case of Plural Was in the Earliest Text |
(4) |
Swords and “Cimeters” in the Book of Mormon |
(4) |
Wordprinting Isaiah and the Book of Mormon |
(4) |
Documented Visions of Joseph Smith |
(4) |
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 8/1 (1999) |
(4) |
Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s |
(4) |
Beginning the Nauvoo Temple/Laying the Foundation — Reflections on the Sixth of April |
(4) |
William W. Phelps Is Welcomed Back into the Church/"Brother William" |
(4) |
Jaredite Kings |
(4) |
Hagoth and the Polynesians |
(4) |
Notes and Communications: The Nephite and Jewish Practice of Blessing God after Eating One’s Fill |
(4) |
Isaiah 38 |
(4) |
The Book of Mormon and the American Revolution |
(4) |
A Māori View of the Book of Mormon |
(4) |
The Mythical "Manuscript Found" |
(4) |
A Latter-day Saint Reception of Temple Themes in Christian Worship |
(4) |
What Parents Should Teach Their Children from the Book of Mosiah |
(4) |
Democratizing Forces in King Benjamin’s Speech |
(4) |
The Departure of a Choice Seed from Palestine |
(4) |
“Something to Move Mountains”: The Book of Mormon in Hugh Nibley’s Correspondence |
(4) |
Lecture 16: 2 Nephi 1–4 - “Encircled . . . in the Arms of His Love”: Oneness with God and the Atonement |
(4) |
External Evidences of the Book of Mormon |
(4) |
Brigham Young University Studies 30/3 (Summer 1990) |
(4) |
“If Ye Believe on His Name”: Wordplay on the Name Samuel in Helaman 14:2, 12–13 and 3 Nephi 23:9 and the Doctrine of Christ in Samuel’s Speech |
(4) |
The FARMS Review 16/2 (2004) |
(4) |
Church History Sites in Western New York, 1820–1831 |
(4) |
What Is Isaiah Doing in First Nephi? Or, How Did Lehi's Family Fare so Far from Home? |
(4) |
Book of Mormon Language |
(4) |
Daniel, Prophecies of |
(4) |
Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson |
(4) |
Jesus the Christ - Our Master and More |
(4) |
Sojourn, Dwell, and Stay: Terms of Servitude |
(4) |
1 Kings 17 |
(4) |
Celebrating the Restoration |
(4) |
The Book of Mormon: Fourth Nephi Through Moroni, From Zion to Destruction |
(4) |
A Black Hole That’s Not So Black |
(4) |
The Exodus Pattern of the Book of Mormon |
(4) |
FARMS Review of Books 12/2 (2000) |
(4) |
Come Follow Me Insights (2 Nephi 6–10) |
(4) |