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Speaking of Faith: The Centrality of Epistemology and Perils of Circularity

TitleSpeaking of Faith: The Centrality of Epistemology and Perils of Circularity
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsBalmer, Randall
JournalBYU Studies Quarterly
KeywordsApologetics; Authority; Circularity; Epistemology; Faith; Mormon; Rebuttal

It is difficult for me to respond to David Paulsen. I am not—nor have I ever claimed to be—a theologian.I will not presume to engage many of the issues or to intrude on the conversations in his paper.I am intrigued,however, by several themes raised in his paper. I will comment, first, on the crisis of authority; second, on the centrality of epistemology and the perils of theological circularity; and third,on the quintessentially modern enterprise of apologetics.