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The Late War Between the United States and Great Britain, From June 1812 to February 1815

TitleThe Late War Between the United States and Great Britain, From June 1812 to February 1815
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1816
AuthorsHunt, Gilbert J.
Number of Pages334
PublisherDavid Longworth, 11 Park
CityNew York
Keywords19th Century Literature; Authorship; Late War; Literature; Plagiarism; Pseudo-Biblical Style; United States History
The records of truth have been esteemed by men in all ages; but when connected with history, especially that of our own country, they become doubly interesting.
The work here presented to the public, is a faithful statement of the principal facts which took place during the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. It was written not only for the author's amusement, but to condense, in as concise a manner as his talents would allow him, those prominent circumstances which ought to live forever in the American memory.
Book cover of The Late War Between the United States and Great Britain