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The Jesus Christ Focused Old Testament: Making Sense of a Monumental Book
Title | The Jesus Christ Focused Old Testament: Making Sense of a Monumental Book |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Parry, Donald W. |
Publisher | Book of Mormon Central |
City | Springville, UT |
Abstract | The objective of this present volume is to demonstrate the numerous and meaningful ways the Old Testament prevails as the First Testament of Jesus Christ. In point of fact, the Old Testament is a quintessential witness of Jesus Christ! It presents numerous prophecies of Jesus Christ’s first and second comings, scores of names and titles of the Lord, and several straightforward statements that the Lord is our Savior, Redeemer, and Atoner. Furthermore, the Old Testament submits hundreds of symbols, types, and shadows that reveal Jesus Christ and His divine mission. The law of Moses, with its host of commands, ordinances, and regulations, serves to disclose the coming of the Messiah, who is none other than Jesus of Nazareth—to be sure, every whit of the law points to Jesus Christ. During His mortal ministry, Jesus Christ cited a multitude of Old Testament passages, applying them to Himself in one way or another. A simple glance at the Table of Contents of this book demonstrates that there are multiple categories and topics that clearly manifest Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. Some topics are straightforward expressions regarding Jesus Christ as our Lord and God; others may be a little more difficult to comprehend and require serious study by students of the scriptures. But God intended that we comprehend all scripture so that we may learn of Him and of His Son, Jesus Christ. |
Table of Contents
56 Chapters

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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Prophecies of Jesus Christ’s Mortal Ministry and Atonement
- Symbols That Testify of Jesus Christ
- The Lord Jesus Christ: Conquering Hero
- Jesus Christ Is the Lord of History: Nine Major Historical Eras
- The Lord Jesus Christ: Potter, Captain, Shepherd, and More
- The Lord Jesus Christ Controls the Nations: Book of Judges Case Study
- Old Testament Passages Cited by Jesus Christ
- Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms
- Psalm 22 and Its Fulfillment in Jesus Christ
- Isaiah's Prophecies of the Mortal Messiah
- The Messiah in Isaiah 53: Four Recurring Themes
- Names, Titles, and Metaphors of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Lord (Jehovah): The Most Frequently Used [Content] Word in the Hebrew Bible
- Equivalent Designations of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old and New Testaments
- God: Compound Names
- Lord: Compound Names
- The Lord Is Our Savior
- The Lord (Jehovah) Is Our Redeemer
- The Lord Is Our Atoner
- Jesus Christ Is the Messiah
- Jesus Christ Is the Lord
- One, Three, and Seven: Sacred and Symbolic Numbers
- Seven and Sacred Time
- Prophets and Prophetesses: The Lord's Messengers
- Eve: Life and Help: A Type of Christ
- Adam: "The Figure of Him that Was to Come"
- Melchizedek: Type of Christ
- Isaac: Type and Shadow of Christ
- Joseph of Egypt: Foreshadow of Christ
- Moses: Type and Shadow of Jesus Christ
- Elijah: Symbol of Jesus Christ
- Job: Suffering Servant, A Type of Jesus Christ
- Hosea’s Family: Symbols of the Lord for Ancient Israel
- The Sign of Jonah: Pointing to Christ’s Death
- Priests and High Priests: Foreshadowing Jesus Christ
- The Lord Reveals Cycles of Sacred Time
- Striking Blood on the Doorposts: The Passover Anticipates Jesus Christ
- The Day of Atonement: Messianic Foreshadowing
- "A Feast to the Lord": Sacred and Secular Meals
- Parallelisms: Teaching About the Lord Jesus Christ Through Poetry
- Chiasmus: Unique Presentations of the Lord’s Word
- The Psalms: Praises to the Lord Jesus Christ
- Lord: Focused Prophetic Speech Forms
- Prayers: Mortals Seeking the Lord's Divine Favor
- Worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ through Music and Song
- Law of Moses: Anticipated Jesus Christ and His Atonement
- Manna: Symbol of Jesus Christ
- Symbols of Christ in the Tabernacle of Moses
- Sacrifices Under the Law of Moses: Six Acts
- Sacrifices: Symbols of Jesus's Atoning Sacrifice
- Diet Code: Unclean and Clean Animals
- God Is a Holy Temple: Temples and Sacred Space
- The Atonement-Focused Earthly and Heavenly Temples
- Jesus's Royal Ancestry: Rulers of the Kingdom of Judah
- Bibliography
Bibliographic Citation
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