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Book of Mormon Stories That Steph Meyer Tells to Me: LDS Themes in the Twilight Saga

TitleBook of Mormon Stories That Steph Meyer Tells to Me: LDS Themes in the Twilight Saga
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsRiess, Jana
JournalBYU Studies Quarterly
KeywordsLDS; Mormon; Popular Culture; Twilight

Meyer studied English literature at Brigham Young University, wrote some, and read widely before having her famous dream that birthed Edward Cullen, a Byronic but noble vampire. The media would prefer to have Meyer's pre-Twilight world intellectually limited because it makes for a better story. To that end, they have revived the term "housewife"instead of using today's far more common (and less provincial) phrase, "stay-at-home mom." The persistence of the housewife image says a good deal less about contemporary Mormonism than it does about what Americans believe about Mormonism.