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Variations between Copies of the First Edition of the Book of Mormon

TitleVariations between Copies of the First Edition of the Book of Mormon
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1973
AuthorsJenson, Janet
JournalBYU Studies Quarterly
Keywords1830 Book of Mormon; Critical Text; Textual Analysis; Textual Changes

Much has been written about changes between the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon (the first) and modern editions. But knowledge is less widespread about the variations that exist between different copies of the 1830 edition itself. We are now aware of 41 such changes, and there are certainly others that have not yet been discovered. Three-fourths of the 41 changes were picked up when Alfred Bush of Princeton University Library,using a Hinman collator, compared the 1830 edition copy in the Scheide Library with a copy from Brigham Young University and one from the Historical Department of the Church. Using this list of changes as a base, and adding other changes discovered by other people, 70 different copies of the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon have since been compared.