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What’s in a Word? “Tender and Chaste and Delicate” Feelings Are Pleasing to the Lord

TitleWhat’s in a Word? “Tender and Chaste and Delicate” Feelings Are Pleasing to the Lord
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsHallen, Cynthia L.
JournalJournal of Book of Mormon Studies
Type of ArticleWhat's in a Word?
KeywordsChastity, Law of; Delicate; Etymology; Feelings; Tender

The word tender is used repeatedly throughout the Book of Mormon, but the modern connotations of the term may skew readers’ understanding of what Book of Mormon authors intended to convey when employing it in their writing. By examining the etymology of tender and the etymologies of similar words, readers can better comprehend the intended meaning of the ancient Book of Mormon authors.