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'A theory! A theory! We have already got a theory, and there cannot be any more theories!'

Title'A theory! A theory! We have already got a theory, and there cannot be any more theories!'
Publication TypeVideo
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSkousen, Royal
PublisherThe Interpreter Foundation/BYU Studies
KeywordsBook of Mormon; Early Church History; Early Modern English; Language; Translation

Three common views regarding the translation of the Book of Mormon, still held by some, can be summarized as follows: (1) as Joseph Smith translated, ideas came to his mind and he expressed those ideas in his own language and phraseology; (2) as a result, the original English language of the Book of Mormon is based on Joseph’s upstate New York dialect, intermixed with his own style of biblical English; and (3) the Book of Mormon deals with the religious and political issues of Joseph’s own time. In this paper I will draw upon the work of the Book of Mormon critical text project to argue that all of these views are essentially misguided and are based on a firm determination to hold to preconceived notions, no matter what the evidence.

Citation Key1861