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The Story of the Book of Mormon
Title | The Story of the Book of Mormon |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 1888 |
Authors | Reynolds, George |
Number of Pages | 494 |
Publisher | Joseph Hyrum Parry |
City | Salt Lake City |
Keywords | Historicity; History; Lamanite; Narrative; Nephite |
Abstract | The Book of Mormon is the record of God's dealings with the peoples of ancient America, from the age of the building of the Tower of Babel to four hundred and twenty-one years after the birth of Christ. It is the stick of Ephraim, spoken of by Ezekiel: the Bible of the western continent. Not that it supersedes the Bible or in any way interferes with it, any more than the history of Peru interferes with or supersedes the history of Greece; but, on the other hand, in many places it confirms Bible history, demonstrates Bible truths, sustains Bible doctrines, and fulfills Bible prophecy. For many years we have taken great pleasure in perusing its sacred pages and studying its truths. The more we read it the more we found it contained. Like other inspired records, every time it was opened we discovered new and oft-times unexpected testimonies of its divinity. From reading it we turned to writing of it; and much that this volume contains has been penned at various intervals, from the days we were in prison for conscience sake, where portions were written, to the present. And now we present it to the reader with the feeling that the work is but commenced; that what remains unsaid is probably as important as what is given, but with the hope that what we have done will not prove ineffectual in spreading the truth, in increasing knowledge concerning God's dealings with mankind, and aiding in the development of the purposes of Jehovah. If this be accomplished we shall feel that great has been our reward. This volume presents one unique feature, in that it is the first attempt made to illustrate the Book of Mormon; and we have pleasure in realizing that the leading illustrations are the work of home artists. To break fresh ground in such a direction is no light undertaking; the difficulties are numerous, none more so than the absence of information in the Book of Mormon of the dress and artificial surroundings of the peoples whose history it recounts. Each artist has given his own ideas of the scenes depicted, and as so much is left to the imagination, some readers will doubtless praise where others will blame; and the same effort will be the subject of the most conflicting criticism. Not the least interesting feature of the book will, we believe, be found in the reproductions of portions of certain ancient Aztec historical charts. These have been the subjects of controversy for centuries past; many efforts have been made at their translation; but all such attempts have been ineffectual, and in many cases ludicrous. It required the publication of the Book of Mormon to turn on them the light of divine truth, when their intent at once became apparent. Others, we trust, in time will be discovered which will be added testimonies to its genuineness and divine authenticity, as well as to the sacred mission of the instrument in God's hands in bringing it forth—the youthful Prophet, Joseph Smith. |

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