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Renewed Latter-day Saint Interest in the Phoenicians

TitleRenewed Latter-day Saint Interest in the Phoenicians
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1970
AuthorsChristensen, Ross T.
MagazineImprovement Era
Issue Number10
Date PublishedOctober 1970
KeywordsAncient America - South America; Mulek (Son of Zedekiah); Phoenicians; Transoceanic Contact; Transoceanic Voyage

New evidence reveals Phoenician contact with the New World between 1000 to 500 B.C. Phoenician inscriptions record in remarkable detail the voyages of mariners, pinpointing both departure and arrival dates and places. Christensen hypothesizes that the guardian(s) of Mulek may have asked Phoenician friends to aid in their escape from the Babylonians.