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Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1919
AuthorsSmith, Joseph F.
Book TitleGospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith
PublisherThe Deseret News
CitySalt Lake City
KeywordsMissionary Work

How Missionaries Are Called—Requirements of Prospective Missionaries—The Kind of Men Wanted for Missionaries—Necessary Qualifications of Missionaries—Further Qualifications of Missionaries—What Missionaries Should Teach—What and How to Teach—Not All Men Ready to Accept the Gospel—Our People Generous to Missionaries—Advice to Missionaries—Missionaries and the Word of Wisdom—Caution to Missionaries—Health of Missionaries To Be Guarded—Missionaries In Ill Health—Care of Returned Missionaries—Work for Returned Missionaries—Duty of a Person Called on a Mission