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TitleLesson 60 - Nephi's Ship is Finished
Publication TypeManual Lesson
Year of Publication1898
Corporate AuthorsDeseret Sunday School Union
Manual TitleDeseret Sunday School Union Leaflets
PublisherGeorge Q. Cannon & Sons Company
Place PublishedSalt Lake City
KeywordsNephi (Son of Lehi); Revelation; Scripture Study; Ship; Transoceanic Voyage

A little while after the events had occurred which formed the subject of our last lesson the Lord told Nephi to stretch forth his hand again toward his brethren, and that they should not wither; but the power of God should smite them; and this he was commanded to do that they might know that the Lord was their God. So Nephi stretched forth his hand as he was commanded, and the Lord shook Laman and Lemuel as He had promised. Then they fell down to worship their younger brother, whom in times past they had so much abused; but he would not permit them. He said, “I am your brother, even your younger brother, wherefore worship the Lord thy God, and honor thy father and thy mother. ”

Then the brothers of Nephi worshiped the Lord, and showed their repentance by helping Nephi to build the ship; while he, from time to time, received the word of the Lord as to how he should work its timbers; for he did not work after the manner of the shipbuilders of that time, nor after any manner that men were accustomed to. But he built the ship just as the Lord had shown it to him; and we cannot doubt that it was admirably suited for its purpose. Nephi also often went up into the mount and prayed to the Lord, and God showed him many great things.

When the vessel was finished, Nephi’s brothers saw that it was good, and its workmanship exceedingly fine, therefore they again humbled themselves before Heaven. Then the voice of the Lord came to Lehi and commanded the company to go on board, which word they willingly obeyed, and at once put forth to sea.

Scripture Reference

1 Nephi 17:53-55
1 Nephi 18:1-6