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Lesson 5: The Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ

TitleLesson 5: The Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ
Publication TypeManual Lesson
Year of Publication2015
Corporate AuthorsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Manual TitleTeachings and Doctrine of the Book of Mormon (Teacher Manual)
PublisherThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Place PublishedSalt Lake City
KeywordsAtonement; Jesus Christ; Physical Death; Redemption; Resurrection; Spiritual Death

The Atonement of Jesus Christ—the greatest event to ever take place—makes it possible for all people to be forgiven from sin and to dwell with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ throughout eternity. Through the Atonement, all will be resurrected and return to the presence of God to be judged. Because the Atonement required Jesus Christ to suffer in an infinite number of ways, He has perfect empathy for each of us.