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The Kingdom Is at Hand (1 Nephi 10:10)

TitleThe Kingdom Is at Hand (1 Nephi 10:10)
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAnderson, Sharon Price
Book TitleThe Glory of the Son
PublisherTime Lines Etc.
CityOrem, UT
KeywordsJohn the Baptist; Prophecy

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The Kingdom Is at Hand

Miraculously born  as Gabriel prophesied,
this child of promise waxes strong in spirit.
Ordained in infancy, he grows in goodness
and faith, sweet as honey.
Strong as leather, unpretentious as camel hair, 
he raises a wilderness voice, cries repentance.
Baptizing, he prepares the way.
When Jesus comes from Galilee, 
they fulfill righteousness, submit, obey.
John buries his kindred Lord 
in Jordan’s watery grave 
and raises Him up straightway.
The dove-descending Spirit
will abide in this Anointed One.
The voice of God proclaims, 
This is my beloved Son. 


Scripture Reference

1 Nephi 10:10