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TitleJourney to aid Antipus
Publication TypeArtwork
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNewman, Heather
KeywordsAntipus; Helaman (Son of Alma the Younger); Stripling Warriors

48 x 36" oil on canvas. This painting depicts story from Alma 56:3. The sons of the people of Ammon journey down out of the land of Nephi.

On a whim, Heather Newman took an oil painting class with her daughter back in the Fall 0f 2016, loved it, and has been taking classes ever since. She is predominantly a figurative artist and is most interested in the effects of color, texture, and the emotional response to strong composition and design.

Submitted to the 2020 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest.

Scripture Reference

Alma 56:3
Alma 56:9-10
Alma 53:43-46