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Janus Parallelism: Speculation on a Possible Poetic Wordplay in the Book of Mormon

TitleJanus Parallelism: Speculation on a Possible Poetic Wordplay in the Book of Mormon
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsHoskisson, Paul Y.
JournalInterpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
KeywordsAncient Near East; Janus Parallelism; Literary Form

In this article, Paul Hoskisson discusses the question of whether Janus parallelism, a sophisticated literary form found in the Hebrew Bible and elsewhere in manuscripts of the ancient Near East, might also be detected in the Book of Mormon. Because the Book of Mormon exists only in translation, answering this question is not a simple matter. Hoskisson makes the case that 1 Nephi 18:16 may provide the first plausible example of Janus parallelism in the Book of Mormon.


Scripture Reference

1 Nephi 18:16