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TitleHelaman (Son of Alma the Younger)
Publication TypeArtwork
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsFullmer, James H.
KeywordsAlma the Younger; Helaman (Son of Alma the Younger); Missionary Work; Prophet

The eldest son of Alma the younger, he was a great prophet, and missionary and was given charge over the gold plates and other sacred objects. He was also a great military leader and led the 2000 young Lamanite warriors whom he regarded as his sons.

Alma 31 - 62


Scripture Reference

Alma 31:7
Alma 36:1-30
Alma 37:1-47
Alma 38:1
Alma 45:1-24
Alma 46:1
Alma 46:6
Alma 46:38
Alma 48:19-21
Alma 49:30
Alma 50:38
Alma 53:14-23
Alma 56:1-57
Alma 57:1-36
Alma 58:1-41
Alma 59:1-3
Alma 60:3
Alma 60:24
Alma 60:34
Alma 62:12
Alma 62:42-52
Alma 63:1
Alma 63:11