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The Good God Hermeneutic: A Reconsideration of Religious Vocabulary

TitleThe Good God Hermeneutic: A Reconsideration of Religious Vocabulary
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMaxwell, Garrett R.
JournalInterpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
KeywordsDoctrine; Restoration; Vocabulary

Fiona and Terryl Givens once again deliver a book worthy of the comparatively wide readership they have gained within Latter- day Saint circles. Their orderly treatment of individual gospel concepts in this book can rightly be seen as a distillation and unification of their previous work, boldly attempting to awaken us from our ignorance of the sheer novelty and vitality contained in the Restoration vision of God and humanity. They convincingly argue that the historically wrought semantic baggage that comes with the most basic religious vocabulary we use must be consciously jettisoned to fully appreciate and articulate the meaning of the Restoration.