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The First Book of Napoleon, The Tyrant of the Earth

TitleThe First Book of Napoleon, The Tyrant of the Earth
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1809
AuthorsLinning, Michael
Number of Pages146
PublisherLongman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme
KeywordsAuthorship; First Book of Napoleon; Plagiarism; Pseudo-Biblical Style

The First Book of Napoleon is a pseudo-biblical work written under the pen name "Eliakim the Scribe." As a contemporary reviewer noted, the language adopted would be effective in the minds of the common people, who would see in it the echo of their venerated scripture. The book provides "a just view of the principles which led to the French revoltion, to the elevation of [Napoleon] Buonaparte to the [French throne], and to all the miseries under which the continent of Europe has so long groaned" and contrast them with the happy state of the people of "Albion" and its King. 

Book cover of The First Book of Napoleon, The Tyrant of the Earth