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TitleFalse Teachings
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1919
AuthorsSmith, Joseph F.
Book TitleGospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith
PublisherThe Deseret News
CitySalt Lake City
KeywordsApostasy; Contention; False Doctrine; Prophecy

The Devil's Knowledge—The Enemy of Truth Always Arrayed Against This Work—Why the Truth is Hated—Only Those Who Deny the Faith Contend—Beware of False Teachers—Where to Expect False Doctrines—Knowledge of Sin Unnecessary—Retreat from Evil—The Law of Recompense—Sympathy with Criminals—The Crime of Witchcraft and Other Superstitions—Superstitious Practices—The Messiah Craze—One Mighty and Strong