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An Egyptian Linguistic Component in Book of Mormon Names

TitleAn Egyptian Linguistic Component in Book of Mormon Names
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKoller, Eve
JournalBYU Studies Quarterly
KeywordsLanguage - Egyptian; Linguistics; Zenephi; Zenock (Prophet); Zenos (Prophet)

There are several names in the Book of Mormon—such as Zenephi, Zenos, and Zenock—that look as though they are composed of scriptural names (Nephi, Enos, Enoch, and so forth) with different forms of a z-prefix that might mean “son of ” or “descendant of.” This article proposes that the names Zenephi Zenos, Zenock, and Cezoram incorporate the names of other Book of Mormon or biblical individuals and the Egyptian pin-tail duck hieroglyph, represented by the morpheme se-/ze-, which denotes filiation with these ancestors. If this hypothesis is accurate, it could provide insight into some aspects of the structure of the language of the Book of Mormon and could also reveal information about Book of Mormon naming practices and genealogical lineages of the people who received these names.