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TitleDespedida no anunciada
Publication TypeArtwork
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsJurado, Amos Joshua Esc

Submitted to the 2021 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest – Youth Division.

Age: 14

[Google Translate] Long ago around 1832, the relative tranquility in which the Prophet Joseph Smith, his wife Emma, and their twins who were ill with measles lived, was suddenly disrupted. The entry of a mob with terrible intentions left the prophet badly injured and led to the death of one of the twins. That moment was totally decisive for the lives of both babies. Suddenly, both their lives were totally compromised.

A young man of 14, the artist lives in La Paz, Bolivia. He is in his third year at Don Bosco – El Prado High School. He has played the flute since 2017 and has studied at the Conservatorio Plurinacional de Música since 2020.

Despedida no anunciada by Amos Joshua Escobar Jurado