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Designing Costumes for the Hill Cumorah Pageant

TitleDesigning Costumes for the Hill Cumorah Pageant
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsScanlon, Rory R.
JournalJournal of Book of Mormon Studies
Pagination78-87, 171
KeywordsClothing; Cumorah; Hill Cumorah; Hill Cumorah Pageant; Historicity

The costume design for the Hill Cumorah Pageant reflects a strong understanding of the physical and artistic needs of the production as well as a good grasp of the historical setting of the Book of Mormon. Through a rich blending of theatrical techniques, the pageant dramatically re-creates scriptural episodes to underscore the wisdom of human agency based on moral choice—a message made poignantly relevant by the historical realism conveyed in large part by authentic costuming. This article explores the physical challenges of creating costumes for an outdoor drama and the historical research that influences the costume construction while staying true to the message of the script.