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Deserts and Dromedaries (1 Nephi 10:7, 9)

TitleDeserts and Dromedaries (1 Nephi 10:7, 9)
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAnderson, Sharon Price
Book TitleThe Glory of the Son
PublisherTime Lines Etc.
CityOrem, UT

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Deserts and Dromedaries

Splayed feet plod the dunes,
cross sun parched flatlands.
Enduring scarcity and heat,
dromedaries press forward 
without a drink, carry us through 
sin-scorched deserts 
that wither our souls.
On snake-slithered sands, 
we long for green, 
dream a distant oasis of Truth 
where date palms grow by a spring
that will quench our thirst, 
wash away the dust.
In Jordan, a messenger  
prepares the way.  
Clothed in coarse camel hair,  
John calls us from the wilderness. 


Scripture Reference

1 Nephi 10:7
1 Nephi 10:9