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TitleThe Church and the Man
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1919
AuthorsSmith, Joseph F.
Book TitleGospel Doctrine: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith
PublisherThe Deseret News
CitySalt Lake City
KeywordsChurch Organization; Covenant; Gospel; Gospel Hobbies

The Church in Advance of Its Members—The Gospel the Most Important Thing—Personal Advancement is Help to the Church—Covenants of the Latter-day Saints—A Privilege to be Associated with the Church—Worth of a Standing in the Church—Importance of Having Names on Church Records—Secret Organizations—Secret Societies—Gossip—We Want to be Known as We are—Treatment of Those Who Will Not Obey the Law of the Church—Latter-day Saints Must be Thinkers and Workers—The Identity of the Church Unchanged—No Classes or Nationalities in the Church—No Neutrals in the Church—Don't Have Religious Hobbies—Wealth Does Not Bring Church Favors—The Gospel Causes Disturbance—"Having Done All, Stand"—Not Naturally Religious—Strive to be as Broad as the Gospel—Search and Ye shall Find—The Spirit of Religion—The Meaning of Success—What is to Become of Such as Me?—Rest for the Peaceable Followers of Christ—Harmony—Character, Mettle, and Mission of the Latter-day Saints