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Christ's Personal Appearance in the Western Hemisphere: The Supreme Message of the Book of Mormon

TitleChrist's Personal Appearance in the Western Hemisphere: The Supreme Message of the Book of Mormon
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1917
AuthorsRoberts, B.H.
MagazineImprovement Era
Issue Number6
Date PublishedApril 1917
KeywordsBook of Mormon Geography - South America; Christ in America; Hagoth

Writes of a monument of Christ erected on the border of Argentina and Chile as a sign of peace between the two nations. Another monument of Christ, the LDS temple, was built in Hawaii. “Those who believe in the Book of Mormon also believe that this group of islands was colonized by certain adventurous people from the mainland of America [Hagoth, Alma 63].” These two monuments have been erected on a land that Christ once visited.