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TitleChapter 37: Helaman 10–12
Publication TypeManual Lesson
Year of Publication2009
Corporate AuthorsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Manual TitleBook of Mormon Student Manual
PublisherThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Place PublishedSalt Lake City
KeywordsAstronomy; Nephi (Son of Helaman); Prayer; Pride; Pride Cycle; Sealing Power

Being completely trusted by God is a great honor. The Lectures on Faith teach that awareness of God’s approval is necessary for one’s faith: “An actual knowledge to any person, that the course of life which he pursues is according to the will of God, is essentially necessary to enable him to have that confidence in God without which no person can obtain eternal life” ([1985], 7).

Trust and approval come by obedience to all of God’s commandments. Helaman chapters 10–12 highlight how important it is to heed the promptings of the Spirit. Only by doing so can we be sure we are living according to God’s will. These chapters also highlight how important it is to want what God wants. The Lord knew Nephi would “not ask that which is contrary to [God’s] will” (Helaman 10:5). As we prove faithful in the small things, the Lord will trust us with the greater things.