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TitleChapter 22: Mosiah 25–29
Publication TypeManual Lesson
Year of Publication2009
Corporate AuthorsThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Manual TitleBook of Mormon Student Manual
PublisherThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Place PublishedSalt Lake City
KeywordsAlma the Elder; Alma the Younger; Angel; Born Again; Conversion; King Mosiah; Priesthood Authority; Repentance; Separation of Church and State; Vision

Many of the “rising generation” rejected the testimony of their fathers and led some Church members to “commit many sins” (see Mosiah 26:1, 6). As a result, Alma sought the Lord’s guidance on how to deal with members of the Church who broke the laws of God. He also prayed that his own son might “be brought to the knowledge of the truth” (see Mosiah 27:14). The answers to both petitions provide valuable teachings for us today. We learn the manner in which priesthood leaders must admonish those who commit serious sin and help them through the repentance process. We also see the need for all mankind to be “born of God” in the story of Alma the Younger and the four sons of Mosiah. Through your study, contemplate how accepting the Atonement of Jesus Christ leads to repentance, full conversion, and the desire to labor for the salvation of others.