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Title“Third World”
Publication TypeArtwork
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBrown, Marilyn

Alma 42:27 "Therefore, O my son, whosoever will come may come and partake of the waters of life freely . . ." This precious invitation goes to all the world--even the "Third World" as it just begins to yearn for graciousness and peace. We are commanded to bring Christ's message of love to everyone, and pray they will "partake freely."

Though Marilyn Brown is primarily an author (she is publishing her 20th novel this spring of 2020), she studied painting years ago at BYU. With her husband Bill Brown, she has established the Brown Art Gallery at 274 S. Main in Springville, Utah. She and her husband have won several awards for their artwork. They served a mission in St.George, raised six children, and feel blessed to have sixteen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.

Submitted to the 2020 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest.