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“Our Weakness in Writing”: Oral and Literate Culture in the Book of Mormon

Title“Our Weakness in Writing”: Oral and Literate Culture in the Book of Mormon
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsEggington, William
InstitutionFoundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies
CityProvo, UT
KeywordsLamanite; Literacy; Mulekite; Nephite; Oral Tradition

“Investigates aspects of the socio-cultural structure of the Nephite, Lamanite, and Mulekite people of the Book of Mormon from the point of view of those who study the nature of oral and literate societies.” Lehi and his descendants functioned in an “Oral residual culture,” a culture that writes to accomplish some very narrow functions, but acts, to a large extent, like an oral culture. “If we somehow can begin to understand the discourse and socio-cultural structures of the Book of Mormon authors, and the natures of their text production constraints and our text perception constraints, we may more clearly comprehend the text and its vital messages.”