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Filters: Keyword is Book of Mormon Geography – Heartland  [Clear All Filters]
Andersen, Joe V., and Ted Dee Stoddard. The Prophecies and Promises of 1 Nephi 13:30–31 That Invalidate the Heartland Theory for New World Book of Mormon Geography. Book of Mormon Archaeological Forum, 2016.
Andersen, Joe V., and Ted Dee Stoddard. The “Heartland Model”: The Rest of the Story ., 2015.
Andersen, Joe V.. Response to Jonathan Neville’s Two Books: Moroni’s America: The North American Setting for the Book of Mormon and Letter VII. Book of Mormon Archaeological Foundation, 2016.
Ash, Michael R.. "Book of Mormon Geography." In Shaken Faith Syndrome: Strengthening One’s Testimony In the Face of Criticism and Doubt, 171-184. 2nd ed. Redding, CA: FairMormon, 2013.
Ash, Michael R.. "Others in the Book of Mormon." In Shaken Faith Syndrome: Strengthening One’s Testimony In the Face of Criticism and Doubt, 185-194. 2nd ed. Redding, CA: FairMormon, 2013.
Austin, Michael. "Review of The Lost Book of Mormon: A Journey through the Mythic Lands of Nephi, Zarahemla, and Kansas City, Missouri, by Avi Steinberg." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 24 (2015): 195-203.
"The Deluge." Juvenile Instructor 13, no. 5 (1878): 55.
Clark, John E.. "Archaeology, Relics, and Book of Mormon Belief." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 14, no. 2 (2005): 38-49, 71-74.
Clark, John. "The Final Battle for Cumorah." Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 6, no. 2 (1994): 79-113.
F., J.B.. "American Antiquities (Continued)." Juvenile Instructor 19, no. 15 (1884): 235.
F., J.B.. "American Antiquities (Concluded)." Juvenile Instructor 19, no. 16 (1884): 250-251.
F., J.B.. "American Antiquities." Juvenile Instructor 19, no. 14 (1884): 222.
Fullmer, James H.. Lands of the Book of Mormon., 2016.
Gardner, Brant A.. "This Idea: The "This Land" Series and the U.S.-Centric Reading of the Book of Mormon." The FARMS Review 20, no. 2 (2008): 141-162.
Godfrey, Kenneth W.. "The Zelph Story." BYU Studies Quarterly 29, no. 2 (1989): 39-56.
Godfrey, Kenneth W.. "What Is the Significance of Zelph in the Study of Book of Mormon Geography?" Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 8, no. 2 (1999): 70-79, 88.
U.A.S. Newsletter, no. 28 (August 10, 1955), Edited by M. Wells Jakeman. Vol. 28. Provo, UT: University Archaeological Society, Brigham Young University, 1955.
Magleby, Kirk. Gideon. Book of Mormon Resources, 2011.
Insights, Vol. 30, No. 4 (2010) In Insights, Edited by Maxwell Institute Staff. Vol. 4. Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2010.
Midgley, Louis C.. "Editor's Introduction, A Tidy Garden." The FARMS Review 22, no. 1 (2010): xi-xxvii.
Book of Mormon Geographies, 1842-present In Mapping Mormonism: An Atlas of Latter-day Saint History, Edited by Brandon S. Plewe. Provo, UT: BYU Press, 2012.
Reynolds, George. "The Mounds and Their Builders." Juvenile Instructor 18, no. 21 (1883): 331.
Roberts, B.H.. "Indirect External Evidences - American Antiquities, Preliminary Considerations." In New Witnesses for God: Volume II - The Book of Mormon, 347-355. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Roberts, B.H.. "Indirect External Evidences - American Antiquities, Continued." In New Witnesses for God: Volume II - The Book of Mormon, 394-416. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Roper, Matthew. "How Much Weight Can a Single Source Bear? The Case of Samuel D. Tyler’s Journal Entry." Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 1 (2013): 54-57.
Roper, Matthew. "Losing the Remnant: The New Exclusivist “Movement” and the Book of Mormon." FARMS Review 22, no. 2 (2010): 87-124.
Roper, Matthew. "Joseph Smith, Revelation, and Book of Mormon Geography." FARMS Review 22, no. 2 (2010): 15-85.
Smith, Gregory L.. "“From the Sea East Even to the Sea West”: Thoughts on a Proposed Book of Mormon Chiasm Describing Geography in Alma 22:27." Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 19 (2016): 355-382.
Smith, Walter A., and J.A. Gunsolley. Religio-Sunday School Normal Lessons Course Two: Book of Mormon and Zion's Religio-Literary Society. Second Edition; Revised ed. Lamoni, IA/Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House/Ensign Publishing House, 1911.
Smith, Gregory L.. "Often in Error, Seldom in Doubt: Rod Meldrum and Book of Mormon DNA." FARMS Review 22, no. 1 (2010): 17-161.
Sorenson, John L.. "Mesoamericans in Pre-Columbian North America." In Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, 218-220. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: FARMS/Deseret Book, 1992.
Sorenson, John L.. "Mesoamericans in Pre-Spanish South America." In Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, 215-217. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: FARMS/Deseret Book, 1992.