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Stubbs, Brian D.. "Other Comparative Matters, Consistencies, and Patterns." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan, 320-356. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "Answering the Critics in 44 Rebuttal Points." Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 37 (2020): 237-292.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "Conclusions." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan, 359-362. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "Introduction." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan, 1-64. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "Appendix A: Sound Correspondences of the Semitic and Egyptian Infusions in Uto-Aztecan from Semitic- Kw, Semitic-p, and Egyptian." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan, 362. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "The Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto- Aztecan, 87-156. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "Appendix B: English Index to Cognate Sets." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto- Aztecan, 363-391. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Stubbs, Brian D.. Language Findings Relevant to The Book of Mormon., 2022.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "Seven Uto-Aztecan Puzzles Explained by Egyptian and Semitic." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto- Aztecan, 303-319. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Stubbs, Brian D.. "Appendix D: Index to Egyptian Terms in Egyptian Alphabetical Order of Consonants After Pronouns and Grammatical Morphemes First." In Exploring the Explanatory Power of Semitic and Egyptian in Uto-Aztecan, 411-417. Provo, UT: Grover Publications, 2015.
Robertson, John S.. "An American Indian Language Family with Middle Eastern Loanwords: Responding to A Recent Critique." Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 34 (2019): 1-16.
Nibley, Hugh W.. "New Approaches to Book of Mormon Study, Part 7." Improvement Era 57, no. 7 (1954): 308-309, 326, 330.
Koller, Eve. "An Egyptian Linguistic Component in Book of Mormon Names." BYU Studies Quarterly 57, no. 4 (2018): 139-148.
Keller, Sharon R.. "Two Letters to the Dead." In By Study and Also By Faith, Volume 1, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, 118-143. Vol. 1. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies/Deseret Book, 1990.