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Book of Mormon Central Archive
Found 25 results
Filters: Keyword is Zoram (Servant of Laban)  [Clear All Filters]
Cannon, George Q.. The Life of Nephi, The Son of Lehi In The Faith-Promoting Series. Salt Lake City: Juvenille Instructor Office, 1883.
Cannon, George Q.. "Chapter IV." In The Life of Nephi, the Son of Lehi, 22-25. Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1883.
Cannon, George Q.. "Chapter V." In The Life of Nephi, the Son of Lehi, 26-29. Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1883.
Christensen, C.C.A.. Nephi and Zoram with the Brass Plates., 1890.
Christensen, C.C.A.. Lehi Blessing His Posterity/Family., 1890.
Nibley, Hugh W.. Lesson 10 - Portrait of Laban In An Approach to the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1957.
Nibley, Hugh W.. "Lecture 11: 1 Nephi 4–7 - Scripture and Family." In Teachings of the Book of Mormon: Semester 1, 156-172. Vol. 1. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1993.
Reynolds, George. "Chapter I." In The Story of the Book of Mormon, 20-29. Salt Lake City: Joseph Hyrum Parry, 1888.
Reynolds, George. "Lessons from the Life of Nephi III: Nephi Obtains the Records ." Juvenile Instructor 26, no. 10 (1891): 297-299.
Ricks, Stephen D.. "Proper Names from the Small Plates: Some Notes on the Personal Names Zoram, Jarom, Omni, and Mosiah." Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 41 (2020): 233-240.
Russell, Collin Charles. "Meeting Zoram." Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 24 (2017): 11-26.
Welch, John W.. "2 Nephi 1-5." In John W. Welch Notes, 130-163. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2020.
Welch, John W.. "1 Nephi 1-7." In John W. Welch Notes, 15-56. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2020.