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Book of Mormon Central Archive
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Bennion, Lowell L.. "The Book of Mormon — A Guide to Religious Living: II. Government by Law." The Instructor 83, no. 2 (1948): 54-57, 81.
Berrett, William E.. "How to Teach the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 63, no. 11 (1960): 804-805, 856-859.
Berrett, William E.. "Spirituality and Political Reform." Improvement Era 55, no. 2 (1952): 86-88.
Bishop, Joshua Clark. "For Their Liberty and Their Freedom." In Selections from the BYU Religious Education Student Symposium 2003, 7-15. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, 2003.
KnoWhy #380 - What is the Purpose of Democracy in the Book of Mormon? (Mosiah 29:27). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central , 2017.
KnoWhy #322 - Why You Should Care About The Nephite Weights And Measures System (Alma 11:7). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2017.
KnoWhy #301 - How Did King Benjamin’s Speech Lead To Nephite Democracy? (Mosiah 29:32). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2017.
KnoWhy #175 - How Did the Nephites Become Weak in Such a Short Time? (Helaman 4:25). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
KnoWhy #156 - How Did Democracy Help the Nephites Withstand Their Enemies? (Alma 48:10). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
KnoWhy #169 - Why Did Moroni Refer to Vessel Impurity in Condemning the Central Government? (Alma 60:23). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
KnoWhy #168 - Why Was Moroni’s Correspondence with Pahoran Significant? (Alma 59:3). Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2016.
Cannon, George Q.. "Chapter XX." In The Life of Nephi, the Son of Lehi, 103-105. Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1883.
Dundas, Gregory. "Kingship, Democracy, and the Message of the Book of Mormon." BYU Studies Quarterly 56, no. 2 (2017): 7-58.
Merrill, Byron R.. "Government by the Voice of the People: A Witness and a Warning." In The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only Through Christ, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 113-137. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1991.
Moss, James R.. "Six Nephite Judges—a Study in Integrity." Ensign 7, no. 9 (1977): 61-65.
Nibley, Hugh W.. "Beyond Politics." In Nibley on the Timely and the Timeless, 301-328. 2nd ed. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2004.
Nibley, Hugh W.. "Tenting, Toll, and Taxing." The Western Political Quarterly 19, no. 4 (1966): 599-630.
Reynolds, Noel B.. Book of Mormon, Government and Legal History in the In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Edited by Daniel H. Ludlow. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
Richins, David. Priesthood vs. Priestcraft in the Book of Mormon. The Lunch is Free, 2016.
Roberts, B.H.. "Internal Evidences—The Book of Mormon Forms of Government Consistent With The Times and Circumstances Under Which They Existed." In New Witnesses for God: Volume III - The Book of Mormon, 148-162. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Roberts, B.H.. "Moroni, A Sketch of the Nephite Republic, I." The Contributor 11, no. 1 (1889): 15-18.
Roberts, B.H.. "Government and Religion among the Nephites." In New Witnesses for God: Volume II - The Book of Mormon, 208-231. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Sorenson, John L.. "The Political Economy of the Nephites." In Nephite Culture and Society: Collected Papers, 195-236. Salt Lake City: New Sage Books, 1997.
Sorenson, John L.. "Government." In Images of Ancient America: Visualizing Book of Mormon Life, 108-123. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1998.
Stiles, Kendall. "Democratic Government in Ancient America." Ensign 22, no. 4 (1992): 62.
Sturgess, Gary L.. "The Book of Mosiah: Thoughts about Its Structure, Purposes, Themes, and Authorship." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4, no. 2 (1995): 107-135.
Welch, John W.. "The Case of Paanchi." In The Legal Cases in the Book of Mormon, 311-322. Provo, UT: BYU Press/Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2008.