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Book of Mormon Central Archive
Found 18 results
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Roberts, B.H.. "Higher Criticism and the Book of Mormon." Improvement Era 14, no. 8 (1911): 665-677.
Roberts, B.H.. "Objections to the Book of Mormon (Continued)." In New Witnesses for God: Volume III - The Book of Mormon, 461-510. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Roberts, B.H.. "Indirect External Evidences (Continued)—American Traditions." In New Witnesses for God: Volume III - The Book of Mormon, 3-17. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Smith, Robert F.. "The Land of Jerusalem: The Place of Jesus' Birth." In Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, 170-172. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: FARMS/Deseret Book, 1992.
Spackman, Randall P.. "The Jewish/Nephite Lunar Calendar." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 7, no. 1 (1998): 48-59, 71.
Book of Mormon Stories: Samuel the Lamanite Tells about Jesus Christ., 2011.
Book of Mormon Stories: The Signs of Christ's Birth., 2011.
Tvedtnes, John A.. "Angels Announce the Coming of Christ." In The Most Correct Book: Insights from a Book of Mormon Scholar, 242-245. Salt Lake City: Cornerstone Publishing, 1999.
Welch, John W.. "3 Nephi 1-7." In John W. Welch Notes, 895-913. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2020.
Wilson, Lynne Hilton. "Come Follow Me - 1-3 John; Jude." In Come Follow Me Commentary: The New Testament, 1237-1276. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2019.