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Come Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 94-97)

TitleCome Follow Me Insights (Doctrine and Covenants 94-97)
Publication TypeVideo
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsHalverson, Taylor, and Tyler J. Griffin
PublisherBook of Mormon Central
Place PublishedSpringville, UT
KeywordsJackson County, Missouri; Kirtland Temple; Kirtland, Ohio; Temple Worship; Testimony

Have you ever felt that your testimony isn't where you want it to be? The truth is all of us have our testimonies under construction. Through following Jesus and keeping His commandments, we can build powerful and life-lasting testimonies. Join Taylor and Tyler as they discuss some of the trials and blessings the saints faced while in Kirtland, Ohio. They wrap up the lesson with a powerful clip from President Russell M. Nelson's recent conference talk. 

Citation Key8931

Scripture Reference

Doctrine and Covenants 94:1
Doctrine and Covenants 95:1
Doctrine and Covenants 96:1
Doctrine and Covenants 97:1