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Covenant Theology for Latter-day Saints

TitleCovenant Theology for Latter-day Saints
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsRappleye, Jasmin Gimenez
JournalInterpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
KeywordsCovenant; Plan of Salvation; Temple Worship

Covenants are central in the Latter-day Saint temple liturgy, our scriptural canon is infused with them, and General Authorities have increasingly drawn attention to their importance in the last half-century. Yet many Latter-day Saints are still unfamiliar with the form and function of covenants and the role they play in God’s plan of salvation. Kerry Muhlestein, well-informed by his academic training in ancient history and scripture, provides a lucid introduction to covenants for Latter-day Saints.