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"No Dudamos Que Nuestras Madres Lo Sabían"

Title"No Dudamos Que Nuestras Madres Lo Sabían"
Publication TypeArtwork
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsOlivera, Mary
KeywordsStripling Warriors
Youth Submission to the 2020 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest.
This piece depicts the willingness of the two thousand young Lamanites to go into battle to preserve the peace of their people, and the memory of how their mothers taught them to go to God at all times.
Marisol Olivera is 15 years old and is a third-year high school student in Arts. She is an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has continued to develop more her artistic talends in the new youth program.

Scripture Reference

Alma 56:48