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I Have a Question: "How can I explain Nephi’s killing Laban to my nonmember friends? Some really reject it as scriptural."

TitleI Have a Question: "How can I explain Nephi’s killing Laban to my nonmember friends? Some really reject it as scriptural."
Publication TypeMagazine Article
Year of Publication1976
AuthorsHolland, Jeffrey R.
Issue Number9
Date PublishedSeptember 1976
KeywordsLaban; Laws; Legal; Nephi (Son of Lehi); Obedience; Revelation

These seven things help us understand: Nephi gives a detailed account so he would not be misunderstood; he had no desire to take Laban’s life; Old Testament prophets were likewise commanded; Laban was guilty of atrocities toward Nephi’s family; modern revelation condones taking the life of a wicked man; Nephi was commanded by the Lawgiver; obedience was the focal point of the story.