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Book of Mormon Central Archive
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Anderson, Richard Lloyd. "Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reappraised." BYU Studies Quarterly 10, no. 3 (1970): 283-310.
Anderson, Sharon Price. "The Smith Family Moves to Palmyra/"Whence This Stranger?"." In Praising the Prophet: Joseph Smith and the Restoration in History and Verse, 14-16. Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2005.
Boone, David F.. "“A Man Raised Up”: The Role of Willard W. Bean in the Acquisition of the Hill Cumorah." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 13, no. 1-2 (2004): 24-37, 168-169.
"Looking for Artifacts at New York’s Hill Cumorah." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 14, no. 2 (2005): 50-51.
Bushman, Richard L.. "Just the Facts Please." Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 6, no. 2 (1994): 122-133.
Cannon, George Q.. "Visit to the Land and Hill of Cumorah." Juvenile Instructor 8, no. 14 (1873): 108-109.
Cannon, Donald Q.. "In the Press: Early Newspaper Reports on the Initial Publication of the Book of Mormon." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 16, no. 2 (2007): 4-15, 92-93.
Grover, Roscoe A.. "Moroni Lives Again." Improvement Era 38, no. 9 (1935): 542-545.
Jones, Gerald E.. "The Journey of an 1830 Book of Mormon." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 10, no. 1 (2001): 36-43, 79.
Jordan, Benjamin R., and Warren P. Aston. "The Geology of Moroni’s Stone Box: Examining the Setting and Resources of Palmyra." Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 30 (2018): 233-252.
Mays, Kenneth. A Stone Seen from a Trail on the West Side of the Hill Cumorah., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. Headstone of Alvin Smith (Son of Joseph and Emma Smith)., 2018.
Mays, Kenneth. E.B. Grandin Building, Book of Mormon Publication Site., 1985.
Mays, Kenneth. Interior View of the Rebuilt Smith Family Log Home., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. Path from Frame Home to Smith Family Log Home., 2001.
Mays, Kenneth. Hearth in the Frame Home in 1985., 1985.
Mays, Kenneth. USDA Authentication of a Stump Once Growing in the Sacred Grove in 1820., 1985.
Mays, Kenneth. Sunset from the Hill Cumorah., 2002.
Mays, Kenneth. Discovery of Original Stairs during Restoration of Frame Home., 1999.
Mays, Kenneth. Headstones of Egbert and Harriet Grandin at the Palmyra Cemetery., 2002.
Mays, Kenneth. The Rebuilt Smith Family Log Home., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. The Apple Orchard and Fence on the Smith Family Farm: Location of Moroni's Fourth Visit., 2019.
Mays, Kenneth. The Smith Frame Home in 1985 (Before Rebuilding and Restoration)., 1985.
Mays, Kenneth. View of Palmyra's Four Corners' Steeples from Walker Road., 2006.
Mays, Kenneth. Broad View of the Hill Cumorah., 2006.
Mays, Kenneth. John Young Barn Construction During Restoration of Frame Home ., 1999.
Mays, Kenneth. Headstone of Book of Mormon Compositor John H. Gilbert at the Palmyra Cemetery., 2002.
Mays, Kenneth. Silverware Found at the Archaeological Dig Site of the Smith Family Log Home., 2005.
Mays, Kenneth. Angel Moroni Statue on the Hill Cumorah., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. The Smith Frame Home in 2009., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. The Sacred Grove., 2006.
Mays, Kenneth. Palmyra Main Street, Grandin Building in Center., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. The Sacred Grove in Early Fall., 2019.
Mays, Kenneth. Frame Home at Beginning of Restoration., 1999.
Mays, Kenneth. Erie Canal at Palmyra, NY., 2006.
Mays, Kenneth. The Sacred Grove in Early Spring., 2006.
Mays, Kenneth. Sculpture of the Angel Moroni delivering the Plates to the Prophet., 2008.
Mays, Kenneth. Home on the Martin Harris Farm Property., 2006.
Mays, Kenneth. Entrance to the Sacred Grove in 1985., 1985.
Mays, Kenneth. Palmyra Main Street Showing Four Church Steeples., 1985.
Mays, Kenneth. Replica Movie Set of the Smith Family Log Home Adjacent to the Sacred Grove., 2003.
Mays, Kenneth. Interior of the Frame Home Where Joseph Arrived with the Plates., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. Home on Martin Harris's Farm., 2009.
Mays, Kenneth. The Sacred Grove., 2002.
Neville, Jonathan. The Hill Cumorah (Palmyra, NY)., 2016.
Nibley, Hugh W.. "What Frontier, What Camp Meeting?" Improvement Era 62, no. 8 (1959): 590-592, 610-615.
Raish, Martin. "Encounters with Cumorah: A Selective, Personal Bibliography." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 13, no. 1-2 (2004): 38-49, 169-170.
Rich, Russell R.. "The Dogberry Papers and the Book of Mormon." BYU Studies Quarterly 10, no. 3 (1970): 315-320.
Walker, Jeffrey N.. "Standing as a Credible Witness in 1819." In Sustaining the Law: Joseph Smith's Legal Encounters, edited by Gordon A. Madsen, Jeffrey N. Walker and John W. Welch, 51-70. Provo, UT: BYU Studies, 2014.