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Peterson, H. Donl. "Church Discipline in the Book of Mosiah." In The Book of Mormon: Mosiah, Salvation Only Through Christ, edited by Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 211-226. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1991.
Roberts, B.H.. "Government and Religion among the Nephites." In New Witnesses for God: Volume II - The Book of Mormon, 208-231. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1909.
Welch, John W.. "The Book of Mormon as the Keystone of Church Administration." Religious Educator 12, no. 2 (2011): 83-117.
Welch, John W.. "The Book of Mormon as the Keystone of Church Administration." In A Firm Foundation: Church Organization and Administration, edited by David J. Whittaker and Arnold K. Garr, 15-57. Provo, UT/Salt Lake City: Religious Studies Center/Deseret Book, 2011.
Welch, John W.. "Celebrating the Restoration." In John W. Welch Notes, 307-314. Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2020.
Welch, John W.. "From Presence to Practice: Jesus, the Sacrament Prayers, the Priesthood, and Church Discipline in 3 Nephi 18 and Moroni 2–6." Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5, no. 1 (1996): 119-139.